All Animals Matter


A personal perspective on animal welfare

On Oprah: Angel’s Gate Animal Hospice

My friend Evan sent me this link. Oprah did a special segment on a saint, Susan Marino, and her facility called Angel’s Gate Animal Hospice. The place is the first-ever care center and permanent home for hundreds of handicapped, sick, and dying animals, giving them much-needed love, medical care and a last chance to live happily ever after.

90% of the dogs and cats here came from puppy mills, where the animals suffered from living in unspeakable conditions and abuse. Nancy would bring in the worst case scenarios in effort to give them a home for life. It’s really a touching story—click on this link here and scroll down to watch the short movie. Make a donation at Angel’s Gate site or share this wonderful stories with your friends!

UPDATE April 2011

A few readers pointed out that Angel Gate is under investigation by the Delaware District Attorney’s office. PETA reports that AG calls itself a “hospice and rehab” center for disabled animals but undercover report reveals neglect and horrible conditions. Read the post here

Filed under: dogs and cats, humane organizations, local issues, puppy mills, shelters, Take Action, , , , , , , ,

21 Responses

  1. Clasidog says:

    Thanks for posting this!!! I was unaware of Angels Gate Hospice. I will have to look into them and feature them on my site. It is animal lovers like yourself sharing information with others with no ‘hidden agenda’ (trying to sell something) that actually save lives of many animals.

  2. Clasidog says:

    Thanks for posting this!!! I was unaware of Angels Gate Hospice. I will have to look into them and feature them on my site. It is animal lovers like yourself sharing information with others with no ‘hidden agenda’ (trying to sell something) that actually save lives of many animals.
    -Fido’s Place-

  3. Clasidog says:

    It truly amazes me how little people know and how little the media talks about it!! That is exactly what was the inspiration behind my site, the hopes that I will educate. I myself had no idea had huge and widespread animal cruelty is until I started researching for my site. I still stumble on new things daily…it’s horrendous and heartbreaking.

  4. linda abbott says:

    her name is SUSAN marino and she is the real deal. she is flying out to LA in a week to save a 23 year old tripod cat i know! she’s amazing.

  5. mary edwards says:

    thank you for being there for the dogs that need you so much. i have a little home rescue of 8 dogs ranging from city pound to puppy mill rescues. we are a motley crew, but there’s a lot of love.
    mary, your fellow soldier against cruelty

  6. […] On Oprah: Angel’s Gate Animal Hospice […]

  7. susan says:

    This place is being investigated by peta

  8. Denise says:

    You will want to reconsider your support of Susan Marino/Angels Gate after you read this.

    • Jojemud says:

      Wow, this is upsetting. Thanks for posting this – it’s really sad, but there is really no real way in knowing what organizations are honest in what they do. I totally see how many of these “havens” can overcrowd and animals begin to suffer. Angel Gate was featured on Oprah, but so what? Also, is PETA really the source to trust? I guess we all need to do all the research we can.

      • Denise says:

        I trust PETA on this. The pix and video, unfortunately, don’t lie. Comparing incentives, Marino turned a nice profit from donations she solicited for the dogs’ care (care the dogs never got). At times PETA’s means may be controversial, but the end itself, animal welfare, is pure. I’m not seeing any ulterior motives on their part.

  9. Maria says:

    PLease do not donate to Angels Gate until these horrible allegations are investigated. I watched the video and saw the pictures, they are horrifying! Good people with a lot of questions, are being harrassed for demanding answers and being told by Angels Gate that we have no right to ask questions and demand to know why these animals are dying like this and are in such obviously terrible condition. They don’t want to be questioned, they have not even bothered making a statement.Angels Gate is still soliciting donations for animals that are dead and have been dead for some time. We demand answers as to why these animals are in such horrible condition, and this place needs to be shut down or new management put in place without susan marino at the helm.

  10. Maria says:

    correction we are being told by Angels Gate supporters that we don’t have a right to answer questions..why not? As for Susan Marino herself? We have not heard nary a word… explanations why these animals are suffering and dying like this. We demand answers.

  11. rita says:

    I suggest you visit the place and check the conditions for yourself. No one should blindly send any animal to any shelter without checking the conditions for themselves.

  12. Eve de Jong says:

    I love it!! No animals have to be put to death!!!

  13. PETA Lies says:


    Angel’s Gate needs al the support they can get, and you people who are believing PETA’s crap need to stop listening to an organization that would rather kill animals than save them—PETA. PETA doesn’t believe in no-kill. Don’t think I’m just some random person posting here… I’ve had experience and I’m a very hardcore animal rights activist. I stand up and back Susan and Angel’s Gate 150%. Don’t believe everything you read. PETA or all org’s should be the last you believe something from. They’re all about $$$ not animals. They don’t SAVE animals, they pretend to. Trust PETA and you’ll believe anything. PETA claims they promote veganism. Why then are carnivores in their ads? Because the people are “pretty models.” Fur wearing models are posing in their ads to tell you to spay and neuter. PETA is lying to you about just about everything. Leather-clad people hand you leaflets for PETA, and no, it wasn’t pleather… the girl apologized to me afterwards.

    PETA, get your s__t together. And the porn site? What a joke. Ron Jeremy for animals? How disgusting!

    Try supporting people who are doing ALL THEY CAN instead of beating them down.

  14. I do not support PETA ~ but know of the horrific things that take place at Angels Gate ~ Susan Marino is no saint. She is a heartless cold person who watches animals suffer needlessly. I have rescued many an animal and will continue to do so. But I have seen first hand what she does and it is not rescuing. If someone wants to donate they should donate to a reliable organization like the ASPCA or the HSUS.

  15. PETA Lies says:

    ASPCA and HSUS are as bas as PETA. Donations should go to those who really need donations, not huge conglomerates like HSUS (who support VICK) and ASPCA (Google what they have negative about them, it’s not good). There are so many good non-profits that really NEED donations, but people just keep sending all their charity cash to PETA, HSUS and ASPCA while Blind Cat Sanctuary, Tabby’s Place, Holly’s Place, Bellengen Sanctuary, Best Friends, Prince Chunk Foundation, and hundreds of others really NEED donations NOW.

    Susan is not heartless nor cold. She is overwhelmed. It’s a shame that people who rescue animals cannot put themselves into her shoes and see how easily things can get out of hand when you don’t have the support and means to handle what you are trying to accomplish. None of us should be pointing fingers, it’s wrong. Shame on those who do.

    Google HSUS, PETA and ASPCA for the NEGATIVE issues. You’re in for a surprise. The lack of support for TNR, the support of killing animals and denouncing no-kill, patting abusers like Vick on the back, supporting BSL…the list goes on. Send donations to small rescues that really need help, badly.

    • michelle says:

      She’s overwhelmed? She certainly has the money to hire staff… on her 2005 tax return, she claimed 23,440 spent just in conferences, meetings and conventions.

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